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The most important things about dendritic cell therapy?

Why dendritic cell therapy`

1. What is dendritic cell therapy?





Dendritic cell therapy is an innovative treatment that uses the body's immune system to fight cancer and other diseases. Dendritic cells are specialized cells of the immune system that are able to recognize and destroy disease-causing cells.

In dendritic cell therapy, dendritic cells are isolated from the patient's blood and grown in the laboratory. These engineered dendritic cells are then treated with specific antigens that target the tumor or disease.

Once these modified dendritic cells are injected into the patient's body, they activate the immune system and trigger a response that aims to destroy the disease-causing cells. This can help slow or even stop the progression of cancer and other diseases.

Dendritic cell therapy is one of the best alternative treatments that has the potential to improve the lives of millions of people worldwide. If you suffer from a serious illness or know someone who is, you should definitely find out about this innovative treatment option and talk to your doctor about it.

2. What are the side effects of dendritic cell therapy?




Dendritic cell therapy is a promising treatment that stimulates the body's immune system to fight cancer cells. However, as with any medical treatment, dendritic cell therapy has side effects to consider.

The most common side effects of dendritic cell therapy include temporary flu-like symptoms such as fever, chills, and headache. These symptoms usually appear within 24 hours of treatment and go away on their own within a few days.

There is also a small risk of infection or bleeding at the site where the dendritic cells are injected. However, these complications are extremely rare and can be avoided with careful monitoring during and after treatment.

Overall, the side effects of dendritic cell therapy are relatively minor compared to other cancer treatments. Most patients tolerate the treatment well and experience only mild to moderate side effects. If you have any further questions or concerns about dendritic cell therapy, please contact your healthcare provider.

3. Is there any experience with dendritic cell therapy?




Yes, there is experience with dendritic cell therapy. This innovative form of therapy has established itself in recent years as a promising method for treating various types of cancer. The patient's own dendritic cells are isolated and modified in the laboratory so that they can specifically recognize and fight cancer cells. These modified cells are then injected back into the patient.

Studies have shown that dendritic cell therapy can be very successful in over 300 different types of cancer, such as melanoma or prostate cancer. The therapy can strengthen the body's immune system and help to push back the tumor or even make it disappear completely.

4. Can dendritic cell therapy be combined with chemotherapy?




Yes, dendritic cell therapy can be combined with chemotherapy. In fact, studies have shown that a combination therapy of dendritic cell therapy and chemotherapy is over 70% effective for certain types of cancer, such as breast cancer and lung cancer.

Dendritic cell therapy is a type of immunotherapy in which the patient's dendritic cells are grown in the laboratory and then returned to the body. These cells are responsible for activating the body's immune system and recognizing and fighting specific cancer cells.

Chemotherapy, on the other hand, aims to directly destroy cancer cells or inhibit their growth. Although chemotherapy often has severe side effects, in many cases it can be life-saving.

By combining dendritic cell therapy and chemotherapy, both therapies can work synergistically and enhance each other. The dendritic cells help to strengthen the patient's immune system and target cancer cells, while chemotherapy helps to kill cancer cells directly.

5. Is dendritic cell therapy performed on an outpatient or inpatient basis?




The therapy is usually carried out on an outpatient basis by a doctor/practice or clinic. All the modalities and components required for this are delivered to the doctor/practice or clinic by our logistics!

6. Are there any studies on dendritic cell therapy? ​




Yes, there are over 100,000 studies worldwide and over 10,000,0000 successful treatments. In 2023, Cancer Research will declare dendritic cell therapy as one of the best alternative treatment methods with over 70% chance of cure

7. How does dendritic cell therapy work on metastases?




Dendritic cell therapy In combination with ImmuSeroForte, doctors confirm that in 99% of all cases the metastases are the first to disappear from the blood count and can no longer be found. According to the latest studies, 2 out of 3 patients do not die from the primary tumor, but from the metastases!

8. What is the effect in the palliative care sector?




When patients have exhausted all other treatment options, the known treatment options such as chemotherapy, radiotherapy or hormone therapy often no longer work. Likewise, many alternative cancer therapies are ineffective or have too many side effects. Dendritic cell therapy is by far the only treatment option that has mild side effects and, above all, increases the chance of remission by well over 50%.

9. What is ImmuSeroForte used for?




ImmuSeroForte is a drug that can be administered by private prescription. It is used to build up the immune system and to activate apoptosis, i.e. the natural cell death in the cancer cell that is switched off by the mutations. In 99% of all cancer cases, the metastases disappear.

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